Yearning for Joy

Joy is different than happiness. 

Joy is internal, joy is everlasting, joy is present through the good times and the bad times. 

Joy doesn't come automatically, and it's not something we achieve through habits, performance, or application. 

Joy is experienced only through a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ, that means we continue to advance in our personal relationship with Christ. 

Joy in Christ provides us with the highest motivation and strength to contribute to society as we exemplify Christ in action, speech, and reaction; serving God and fulfilling His purpose for our lives as a witness of hope to those around us.

The book of Philippians is a letter written by the apostle Paul. He begins by expressing his love and joy for the church at Philippi. This church was considered to be a sincere church, which is why they held a special place in Paul's heart. During my study today, I began to focus on this verse:

"For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:8 ESV

Paul had a deep relationship with the church of Philippi because they sincerely embraced the Gospel and continued to grow in Christ. Paul longed to return to Philippi and fellowship with them. As a dedicated disciple, Paul's teaching of Jesus Christ clashed with a culture of religious confusion, authoritative conflict, and corrupt morality. This collision caused much suffering for Paul, but no matter how many times he was beaten, jailed, shipwrecked or ridiculed, Paul never waivered from the Gospel's truth. 

I remember in early 2020, many Christians (to include myself) couldn't wait until churches were open again. Although our suffering was not the same as Paul's, we were catapulted into a culture of fear, sickness, death, deception, anger, division, authoritative conflict, change, seclusion, confusion, and violence. We all just wanted it to end; we just wanted life to return back to normal. 

Since that time, things have become...weird, to say the least. People don't want to work resulting in business closures, longer wait times, reduced hours & products, and declining customer service. 

Suddenly, everyone is overly sensitive and eager to call what was once an honor offensive. This culture of offence has created a need to erase history, eliminate images, products, and titles that were meant to honor individuals or ethnic groups. 

Government overreaching their authority. Personal choice was once celebrated but now it's considered rebellious. Division amongst family members. Dedication in Jesus Christ (who's very nature is love, hope, mercy, and grace) is now viewed as living a lifestyle of bigotry and hatred towards mankind, (oops offensive to women-hood), I mean...humankind. Isn't humankind oxymoronic? There hasn't been much kindness within the human culture as of late. 

We could go on and on about our eccentric world, but I don't want to get off track with what stood out to me today. 

My family and I recently moved to a new state which means we are searching for a new 'home church'. As we drive around on Sunday, we see church parking lots barley occupied. Yes, I understand that people with compromised immunity need to be careful, but this is unlike anything I've ever seen. Large churches are barley holding on and small churches are suffering even more. Sanctuaries that once housed hundreds are now occupied by the 10's. 

I think to myself "What happened to the Christians who couldn't wait to get back to church? What happened to that revival people were looking forward to?"

Paul looked forward to being with like-minded Christians, it refilled him with joy especially after a season of suffering. 

We too have been in a season of suffering, so why aren't we looking forward to fellowshipping with like-minded individuals who share the same love of Christ as us? We are the company that we keep and the enemy knows this. He intended to interfere with your relationship with Christ when he separated us from each other, when he caused fear and division, and when he instilled offense and conflict. We carry that with us, day after day. It affects our intensions, motivation, strength and dedication. 

Spend quality time with those that have a sincere love of Jesus Christ. We all need to be positively energized with a Joy that only the Lord our God can provide in such an eccentric and uncertain society. 

Desire to create or increase your relationship with God, His presence in your life will energize you with Joy. 

Don't become a prisoner of seclusion, offense, conflict, division, anger, deception, and ideology - they are all sicknesses intended for spiritual death. 

Yearn for joy, not sorrow. 

About the Author:

Sheri Caruso is an Author, Public Speaker and Women's Ministry leader. She is the author of
Sackcloth and Ashes of the Heart and People of Presence Faith and Purpose. Both books are available on

Connect with Sheri on:


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