
Showing posts from October, 2021

My Desire vs. God's Will

  Have you ever struggled with knowing God's will through your desire? He just found out, and needless to say, he was perplexed. “Why didn’t she share this with me?” “Why am I just now finding out?” “Aren’t we supposed to be partners in life?” “Was she keeping a secret from me?” “I don’t like secrets!” He had questions, lots of questions but I believe the most prominent one was, “Why am I finding this out after reading your Facebook post?!” “Tell me all about it,” He asked me “I want to know all the details.” I wasn’t trying to keep a secret, not at all. My husband is my best friend, my partner, and a highly trusted friend. I want nothing more than to share all my life with him but with this issue, I was searching for God’s will and not my own desire, it’s as simple as that. Don’t get me wrong with what I am about to say, women don’t have that much power with influencing our men… wellll maybe we do…but I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t influencing my husband’s desires...